Taliban Narratives

Thomas H. Johnson

Taliban Narratives - London Hurst and Company 2017

1. Introduction
2. An overview of Taliban and Other Afghan Insurgent stories and an Assessment of their Master Narratives
3. Target Audiences of Afghan Narratives and stories
4. Taliban and Afghan Insurgent Magazines, circulars and Newsletters
5. The Taliban's Use of internet, social media video, Radio stations, and Graffiti
6. The Layeba, the Taliban Code of conduct
7. Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) Propaganda Activities
8. The united state' Afghan information and PSYOP Campaign and a Comparison with the Taliban's Campaign
Appendix A: How Afghans Identify the Types of Taliban
Appendix B: Summary of Taliban Night Letters, 2008-10
Appendix C: HIG Official Peace Proposal and Translation

1. Introduction
2. An overview of Taliban and Other Afghan Insurgent stories and an Assessment of their Master Narratives
3. Target Audiences of Afghan Narratives and stories
4. Taliban and Afghan Insurgent Magazines, circulars and Newsletters
5. The Taliban's Use of internet, social media video, Radio stations, and Graffiti
6. The Layeba, the Taliban Code of conduct
7. Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) Propaganda Activities
8. The united state' Afghan information and PSYOP Campaign and a Comparison with the Taliban's Campaign
Appendix A: How Afghans Identify the Types of Taliban
Appendix B: Summary of Taliban Night Letters, 2008-10
Appendix C: HIG Official Peace Proposal and Translation


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