The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908)

Muhammad Ajmal Bhatti

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908) - Lahore Capital Law Publishers 2021

. Preliminary
. Suits in General
. Jurisdiction of the Courts and Rest Judicata
. Place of Suing
. Institution of Suits
. Summons and Discovery
. Judgement and Decree
. Costs
. Execution General
. Courts by which Decree may be executed
. Questions to be determined by Court Executing Decree
. Limit of the time for Execution
. Procedure in Execution
. Attachment
. Delegation to collector of power to execute decrees against Immoveable Property
. Distribution of Assets
. Resistance to Execution
. Incidental Proceeding Commissions
. Suits in particular cases Suits by against the Government or Public Officers in their Official Capacity
. Suits by Aliens and by or Against Foreign Rulers, Ambassadors and Envoys
. Special Proceedings Arbitration
. Suits relating to public matters
. Supplemental Proceedings
. Appeals from Original Decrees
. Appeals from appellate decrees
. General Provisions Relating to Appeals
. Appeals to the Supreme Court
. Reference, Review and Revision
. Special Provisions Relating to High Courts
. Rules
. Miscellaneous
. Recognized Agents and Pleaders
. Institution of Suits
. Administrative Judges
. Pleadings Generally
. Plaint
. Written Statement and Set-Off
. Appearance of Parties and Consequence
. Intermediate Dates
. Case Management and Scheduling Conference Peshawar High Court Amendments
. Alternate Dispute Resolution
. Examination of Parties by the Court
. Settlement of Issues and Determination of Suit on Issues of Law or On Issues Agreed Upon
. Disposal of the Suit at the First Hearing
. Summary Judgment
. Summoning and Attendance of Witnesses
. Adjournments
. Commissions
. Suits By or Against the Government or Public Officers in Their Official
. Suits Involving Any Substantial Men or Airmen
. Suits by or Against Corporations
. Death Marriage and Insolvency of Parties
. Withdrawal and Adjustment OF Suits
. Payment In to Court
. Security for Cists
. Hearing of the Suit and Examination Of witnesses
. Affidavits
. Judgment and Decree
. Execution of Decrees and Orders
. Pauper Appeals
. Appeals to the Supreme Court
. Execution of Order of Supreme Court
. Reference
. Review
. Miscellaneous
. High Courts
. Presidency Small Cause Courts
. Presidency Small Cause Courts
. Appointment of Receivers
. Appeals from Original Decrees
. Appeals from Appellate Decrees
. Appeals from Orders
. Interpleader
. Special Case
. Summary Procedure on Negotiable Instruments
. Arrest and Attachment before Judgement
. Temporary Injunctions and Interlocutory Orders
. Interlocutory Orders
. Suits By or against Firms and Persons Carrying On Business in Names Other than their Own
. Suits By or Against Trustees, Executors Administrators
. Suits By or Against Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind
. Suits by Paupers
. Suits Relating To Mortgages of Immoveable Property

. Preliminary
. Suits in General
. Jurisdiction of the Courts and Rest Judicata
. Place of Suing
. Institution of Suits
. Summons and Discovery
. Judgement and Decree
. Costs
. Execution General
. Courts by which Decree may be executed
. Questions to be determined by Court Executing Decree
. Limit of the time for Execution
. Procedure in Execution
. Attachment
. Delegation to collector of power to execute decrees against Immoveable Property
. Distribution of Assets
. Resistance to Execution
. Incidental Proceeding Commissions
. Suits in particular cases Suits by against the Government or Public Officers in their Official Capacity
. Suits by Aliens and by or Against Foreign Rulers, Ambassadors and Envoys
. Special Proceedings Arbitration
. Suits relating to public matters
. Supplemental Proceedings
. Appeals from Original Decrees
. Appeals from appellate decrees
. General Provisions Relating to Appeals
. Appeals to the Supreme Court
. Reference, Review and Revision
. Special Provisions Relating to High Courts
. Rules
. Miscellaneous
. Recognized Agents and Pleaders
. Institution of Suits
. Administrative Judges
. Pleadings Generally
. Plaint
. Written Statement and Set-Off
. Appearance of Parties and Consequence
. Intermediate Dates
. Case Management and Scheduling Conference Peshawar High Court Amendments
. Alternate Dispute Resolution
. Examination of Parties by the Court
. Settlement of Issues and Determination of Suit on Issues of Law or On Issues Agreed Upon
. Disposal of the Suit at the First Hearing
. Summary Judgment
. Summoning and Attendance of Witnesses
. Adjournments
. Commissions
. Suits By or Against the Government or Public Officers in Their Official
. Suits Involving Any Substantial Men or Airmen
. Suits by or Against Corporations
. Death Marriage and Insolvency of Parties
. Withdrawal and Adjustment OF Suits
. Payment In to Court
. Security for Cists
. Hearing of the Suit and Examination Of witnesses
. Affidavits
. Judgment and Decree
. Execution of Decrees and Orders
. Pauper Appeals
. Appeals to the Supreme Court
. Execution of Order of Supreme Court
. Reference
. Review
. Miscellaneous
. High Courts
. Presidency Small Cause Courts
. Presidency Small Cause Courts
. Appointment of Receivers
. Appeals from Original Decrees
. Appeals from Appellate Decrees
. Appeals from Orders
. Interpleader
. Special Case
. Summary Procedure on Negotiable Instruments
. Arrest and Attachment before Judgement
. Temporary Injunctions and Interlocutory Orders
. Interlocutory Orders
. Suits By or against Firms and Persons Carrying On Business in Names Other than their Own
. Suits By or Against Trustees, Executors Administrators
. Suits By or Against Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind
. Suits by Paupers
. Suits Relating To Mortgages of Immoveable Property

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