The Constitution of Pakistan [(Vol.2) Art.59 - Art.174] (Record no. 15322)

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Transcribing agency PK-IsSEN
Classification number 342.5491, R.I.Z
Personal name Justice Syed Shabbar Raza Rizvi
Title The Constitution of Pakistan [(Vol.2) Art.59 - Art.174]
Place of publication, distribution, etc Islamabad
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Manzoor Law Book House
General note Table of Contents :<br/>.The Senate<br/>. Chairman and Deputy Chairman <br/>. Other provisions relating to Senate <br/>Provisions as to Members of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Qualification for Membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Disqualification for membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Disqualification on grounds of defection , etc<br/>. Vacation of seats <br/>. Oath of members <br/>.Privileges of Members <br/>Procedure Generally <br/>. Rules of procedure, etc <br/>. Restriction on discussion in [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Courts not be inquire into proceedings of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>Legislative Procedure <br/>. Introduction and passing of Bills<br/>. Mediation committee <br/>.Procedure at joint sitting <br/>. Procedure with respect to Money Bills<br/>. Federal Government consent required for financial measures <br/>. President’s assent to Bills<br/>Financial Procedure<br/>. Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account<br/>. Custody, etc, of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account <br/>. Annual budget Statement <br/>. Expenditure charged upon Federal Consolidated Fund <br/>. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement <br/>. Supplementary and excess grants <br/>. votes on account<br/>. Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved <br/>. Secretariat of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>Ordinances<br/>Power of President to Promulgate Ordinances <br/> The Federal Government <br/>. Exercises of executive authority of the Federation <br/>. The Cabinet <br/>. Federal Ministers and Ministries of State<br/>. Advisers<br/>Prime Minister Continuing I office <br/>Conduct of business Federal Government<br/>. Attorney –General for Pakistan <br/>The Governors <br/>Appointment of Governor<br/>. Oath of Office<br/>. Conditions of Governor’s Office <br/>. Speaker Provincial Assembly to act as, or perform functions of Governor’s in his absence <br/>Provincial Assembles <br/>. Constitution of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Duration of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Speaker and Deputy Speaker <br/>. Summoning and prorogation of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Right of Governor to address Provincial Assemble<br/>. Right to speak in Provincial Assemble <br/>Financial Procedure<br/>. Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account<br/>. Custody, etc, of Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account <br/>. Annual budget Statement <br/>. Expenditure charged upon Provincial Consolidated Fund <br/>. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement <br/>. Supplementary and excess grant <br/>. votes on account<br/>. Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved <br/>. Provisions relating to National Assembly ,etc. , apply to Provincial Assembly, et<br/>Ordinances<br/>Power of Governor to Promulgate Ordinances <br/>The Provincial Government<br/>. Exercise of executive authority of the Province <br/>. The Cabinet <br/>.Governor to be kept informed <br/>. Provincial Ministries<br/>. Chief Minister continuing in office <br/>. Vote of no confidence against chief Minister <br/>. Conduct of business of Provincial Assembly <br/>. Relation between Federation and Provinces <br/>Distribution of Legislative Powers <br/>. Extent of Federal and Provincial Laws <br/>. Subject-Matter of Federal and Provincial Laws<br/>. Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial Law<br/>Administrative Relation Between Federation and Provinces<br/>. power of President to direct Governor to discharge certain funciation as his Agent<br/>. Power of Federation to confer powers , etc, on Provinces, in certain cases<br/>. Power of the Provinces to entrust functions to the Federations <br/>Special Provisions <br/>. [Omitted]<br/>. Council of common interests <br/>. Function and rules of procedure <br/>. Complaints as to interference with water supplies <br/>. National Economic Council <br/>. Electricity <br/>. Priority of requirement of natural gas <br/>. Finance, property ,contracts and Suits <br/>Distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Provinces <br/> . National Finance Commission <br/>. Natural gas and hydro-electric power<br/>. Provincial taxes in respect of professions, etc<br/>Miscellaneous Financial Provisions <br/>. Grants out of consolidated Fund<br/>. Exemption of certain public Property from taxation <br/>Borrowing and Audit<br/>. Borrowing by Federal Government <br/>. Borrowing by Provincial Government <br/>Audit and Accounts<br/>. Auditor- General of Pakistan <br/>. Functions and powers of Auditor-General of Pakistan <br/>. Reports of Auditor General<br/>Property Contracts, Liabilities and Suits <br/>. Ownerless property <br/>. Power to acquire property and to make contract, etc<br/>. Suits and Proceedings
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc Table of Contents :<br/>.The Senate<br/>. Chairman and Deputy Chairman <br/>. Other provisions relating to Senate <br/>Provisions as to Members of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Qualification for Membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Disqualification for membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Disqualification on grounds of defection , etc<br/>. Vacation of seats <br/>. Oath of members <br/>.Privileges of Members <br/>Procedure Generally <br/>. Rules of procedure, etc <br/>. Restriction on discussion in [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>. Courts not be inquire into proceedings of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>Legislative Procedure <br/>. Introduction and passing of Bills<br/>. Mediation committee <br/>.Procedure at joint sitting <br/>. Procedure with respect to Money Bills<br/>. Federal Government consent required for financial measures <br/>. President’s assent to Bills<br/>Financial Procedure<br/>. Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account<br/>. Custody, etc, of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account <br/>. Annual budget Statement <br/>. Expenditure charged upon Federal Consolidated Fund <br/>. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement <br/>. Supplementary and excess grants <br/>. votes on account<br/>. Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved <br/>. Secretariat of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)]<br/>Ordinances<br/>Power of President to Promulgate Ordinances <br/> The Federal Government <br/>. Exercises of executive authority of the Federation <br/>. The Cabinet <br/>. Federal Ministers and Ministries of State<br/>. Advisers<br/>Prime Minister Continuing I office <br/>Conduct of business Federal Government<br/>. Attorney –General for Pakistan <br/>The Governors <br/>Appointment of Governor<br/>. Oath of Office<br/>. Conditions of Governor’s Office <br/>. Speaker Provincial Assembly to act as, or perform functions of Governor’s in his absence <br/>Provincial Assembles <br/>. Constitution of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Duration of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Speaker and Deputy Speaker <br/>. Summoning and prorogation of Provincial Assembles <br/>. Right of Governor to address Provincial Assemble<br/>. Right to speak in Provincial Assemble <br/>Financial Procedure<br/>. Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account<br/>. Custody, etc, of Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account <br/>. Annual budget Statement <br/>. Expenditure charged upon Provincial Consolidated Fund <br/>. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement <br/>. Supplementary and excess grant <br/>. votes on account<br/>. Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved <br/>. Provisions relating to National Assembly ,etc. , apply to Provincial Assembly, et<br/>Ordinances<br/>Power of Governor to Promulgate Ordinances <br/>The Provincial Government<br/>. Exercise of executive authority of the Province <br/>. The Cabinet <br/>.Governor to be kept informed <br/>. Provincial Ministries<br/>. Chief Minister continuing in office <br/>. Vote of no confidence against chief Minister <br/>. Conduct of business of Provincial Assembly <br/>. Relation between Federation and Provinces <br/>Distribution of Legislative Powers <br/>. Extent of Federal and Provincial Laws <br/>. Subject-Matter of Federal and Provincial Laws<br/>. Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial Law<br/>Administrative Relation Between Federation and Provinces<br/>. power of President to direct Governor to discharge certain funciation as his Agent<br/>. Power of Federation to confer powers , etc, on Provinces, in certain cases<br/>. Power of the Provinces to entrust functions to the Federations <br/>Special Provisions <br/>. [Omitted]<br/>. Council of common interests <br/>. Function and rules of procedure <br/>. Complaints as to interference with water supplies <br/>. National Economic Council <br/>. Electricity <br/>. Priority of requirement of natural gas <br/>. Finance, property ,contracts and Suits <br/>Distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Provinces <br/> . National Finance Commission <br/>. Natural gas and hydro-electric power<br/>. Provincial taxes in respect of professions, etc<br/>Miscellaneous Financial Provisions <br/>. Grants out of consolidated Fund<br/>. Exemption of certain public Property from taxation <br/>Borrowing and Audit<br/>. Borrowing by Federal Government <br/>. Borrowing by Provincial Government <br/>Audit and Accounts<br/>. Auditor- General of Pakistan <br/>. Functions and powers of Auditor-General of Pakistan <br/>. Reports of Auditor General<br/>Property Contracts, Liabilities and Suits <br/>. Ownerless property <br/>. Power to acquire property and to make contract, etc<br/>. Suits and Proceedings
Koha item type Books
Damaged status Home library Current library Date acquired Full call number Barcode Koha item type
  Senate of Pakistan Library Senate of Pakistan Library 22/08/2022 342.5491, R.I.Z 15538 Books
  Senate of Pakistan Library Senate of Pakistan Library 22/08/2022 342.5491, R.I.Z 15544 Books

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