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By: Friedrich naumannContributor(s): Friedrich NaumannMaterial type: TextTextPublication details: Islamabad 2014Description: His live, his work, his impact, 2 100 years lSENATE SECRETARIAT No.F.1 (5)/2017-18.Lib. Islamabad, the April 2018 From: MUHAMMAD ASHFAQ Section Officer To, The Accountant General, Pakistan Revenues, Islamabad. Subject:- PURCHASE OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. Dear Sir, In exercise of the powers conferred vide item No. 9(14) of Annexure-I to the Finance Division Office Memorandum No.F.3(2)/Exp-III/2006, dated the 13th September, 2006, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President to incur an expenditures of Rs. 11,318/- (Rupees Eleven thousand three hundred eighteen only) on account of purchase of Newspapers and Magazines for use in the office/residence of the Leader of the House and Opposition Senate Secretariat for the month of March 2018. 2. Cross cheque may be issued in favour of M/S Kashmir Newspapers Sellers, Islamabad Rs. 11,318/- to credit in Account No.1529-9, ABL Parliament House Islamabad. 3. The expenditure involved is debatable under demand 82 to the head 01-General Public Service; 011-Executive and legislative Organs, Financial and Fiscal Affairs, External Affairs; 0111-Excutive and Legislative Organs; 011101-Parliamentary/Legislativ Affairs (ID1935-Leader of the House and Opposition) A039-General A03905-Newspapers, Books Periodicals) during the current financial year, 2017-2018. 4. This issues with the approval of the Additional Secretary (Library). Your faithfully, (MUHAMMAD ASHFAQ) Section Officer Tele No. 9103233 Copy to:- 1. The Cash and Accounts Branch, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 2. The D.G. (Audit) Federal Government, Islamabad. (MUHAMMAD ASHFAQ) Section Officerater 3 biography of Friedrich naumannSubject(s): His live, his work, his impact, 2 100 years lSENATE SECRETARIADDC classification: 920 FRI Summary: His live, his work, his impact, 2 100 years lSENATE SECRETARIA
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His live, his work, his impact, 2 100 years lSENATE SECRETARIA

His live, his work, his impact, 2 100 years lSENATE SECRETARIA

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