The Constitution of Pakistan [(Vol.2) Art.59 - Art.174]

By: Justice Syed Shabbar Raza RizviMaterial type: TextTextPublication details: Islamabad Manzoor Law Book House DDC classification: 342.5491, R.I.Z Summary: Table of Contents : .The Senate . Chairman and Deputy Chairman . Other provisions relating to Senate Provisions as to Members of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] . Qualification for Membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] . Disqualification for membership of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] . Disqualification on grounds of defection , etc . Vacation of seats . Oath of members .Privileges of Members Procedure Generally . Rules of procedure, etc . Restriction on discussion in [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] . Courts not be inquire into proceedings of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] Legislative Procedure . Introduction and passing of Bills . Mediation committee .Procedure at joint sitting . Procedure with respect to Money Bills . Federal Government consent required for financial measures . President’s assent to Bills Financial Procedure . Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account . Custody, etc, of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account . Annual budget Statement . Expenditure charged upon Federal Consolidated Fund . Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement . Supplementary and excess grants . votes on account . Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved . Secretariat of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] Ordinances Power of President to Promulgate Ordinances The Federal Government . Exercises of executive authority of the Federation . The Cabinet . Federal Ministers and Ministries of State . Advisers Prime Minister Continuing I office Conduct of business Federal Government . Attorney –General for Pakistan The Governors Appointment of Governor . Oath of Office . Conditions of Governor’s Office . Speaker Provincial Assembly to act as, or perform functions of Governor’s in his absence Provincial Assembles . Constitution of Provincial Assembles . Duration of Provincial Assembles . Speaker and Deputy Speaker . Summoning and prorogation of Provincial Assembles . Right of Governor to address Provincial Assemble . Right to speak in Provincial Assemble Financial Procedure . Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account . Custody, etc, of Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account . Annual budget Statement . Expenditure charged upon Provincial Consolidated Fund . Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement . Supplementary and excess grant . votes on account . Power to authorized expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved . Provisions relating to National Assembly ,etc. , apply to Provincial Assembly, et Ordinances Power of Governor to Promulgate Ordinances The Provincial Government . Exercise of executive authority of the Province . The Cabinet .Governor to be kept informed . Provincial Ministries . Chief Minister continuing in office . Vote of no confidence against chief Minister . Conduct of business of Provincial Assembly . Relation between Federation and Provinces Distribution of Legislative Powers . Extent of Federal and Provincial Laws . Subject-Matter of Federal and Provincial Laws . Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial Law Administrative Relation Between Federation and Provinces . power of President to direct Governor to discharge certain funciation as his Agent . Power of Federation to confer powers , etc, on Provinces, in certain cases . Power of the Provinces to entrust functions to the Federations Special Provisions . [Omitted] . Council of common interests . Function and rules of procedure . Complaints as to interference with water supplies . National Economic Council . Electricity . Priority of requirement of natural gas . Finance, property ,contracts and Suits Distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Provinces . National Finance Commission . Natural gas and hydro-electric power . Provincial taxes in respect of professions, etc Miscellaneous Financial Provisions . Grants out of consolidated Fund . Exemption of certain public Property from taxation Borrowing and Audit . Borrowing by Federal Government . Borrowing by Provincial Government Audit and Accounts . Auditor- General of Pakistan . Functions and powers of Auditor-General of Pakistan . Reports of Auditor General Property Contracts, Liabilities and Suits . Ownerless property . Power to acquire property and to make contract, etc . Suits and Proceedings
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